List of Marin County checks that have been issued and distributed, but which remain uncashed 6 months after their issue date ("stale" checks). List excludes checks that are considered confidential and exempt from disclosure. This information is updated monthly.
In accordance with Government Code §29802, uncashed County checks are void and become stale after 6 months. Uncashed County checks that are lost or destroyed may be reissued up to 2 years from the stale date (2 years and 6 months from the date of issuance) when a valid Affidavit is filed certifying the loss or destruction, and after a review of records indicates the check was not previously reissued. An uncashed, stale County check that is more than 2 years and 6 months old may be reissued only upon receipt of the original check, and if a review of records indicates the check was not previously reissued.
If your check has been lost/destroyed or stale-dated, please fill out this form and follow the included instructions to obtain a replacement check: