
The Elections Department conducts federal, state and local elections within Marin County; maintains current voter registration files; and administers local provisions of campaign financing and reporting.


Responsive, Transparent, Professional Elections
Our mission is to conduct elections in a responsive, transparent, and professional manner that will inspire trust and confidence in our work while promoting engagement with all Marin County residents in the election process.

FY 2023-2024 Continuous Improvement Focus

Business Process Improvement Initiative
The Elections Department will improve access to election information for all Marin County residents through targeted outreach by reviewing and refining required outreach efforts to determine effective measures of communicating with and educating the voting public about elections. The Department will also review early voting patterns to determine which Vote Centers to open 10 days early for the 2024 election.
What does Success Look Like?
The Elections Department will provide more residents with access to information concerning voter registration and the voting process through successful marketing and outreach efforts with targeted effective outreach in underserved, language-minority communities. The Department will also place Vote Centers that are open starting 10 days before an election in the County’s most utilized locations to be more cost efficient and allow for greater access to vote centers at key locations.


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